Quick & easy tomato hummus pasta

This super easy and quick plant based pasta dish is a midweek dinner winner!
*Can be 2/5 day depending on the type of pasta you choose
*Can be made in under 10mins
*Full of fibre and nutrition
*Easily tailored to suit gluten or grain free diets

Quick & easy tomato hummus pasta Dinner Lunch vegan


Vegan creamy curry mushroom pasta

This quick, comforting mushroom pasta dish is the perfect autumn/winter meal, full of spices and flavour with the creaminess coming from coconut yogurt.
Use any curry paste that you have in your fridge, they should all work just fine and to really increase your veg & fibre intake try using a legume based pasta such as chickpea, red lentil or green pea/lentil. I personally really like red lentil with this dish.

Vegan creamy curry mushroom pasta Dinner Grainfree Lunch vegan

Plant based yogurt
Plant based yogurts are really easy to get hold of these days in the big supermarkets, I’ve tried a number of them ranging from M&S to Asda, with a blend of fermented non GMO soy & coconut from Asda being the cheapest at £1, as it still has some coconut in it the flavour works fine and is still quite creamy which I really like, plus doesn’t have any sugar or a tonne of thickeners/starches etc in it.

Vegan creamy curry mushroom pasta Dinner Grainfree Lunch vegan


Low carb, high fibre bagels

Yes you heard that right!
Bagels that are low carb, grain free AND high in healthy fibre which keeps you full and satisfied, plus feeds a healthy gut microbiome. What more could you want?

Low carb, high fibre bagels Breakfast Dinner Grainfree Lunch

Healthy can be yummy too
This is one of those recipes I’d love for people to try when they say that healthy food is too complicated or boring or bland.
Healthy food doesn’t have to equal deprivation. You can still have your favourite things, just made with more nourishing ingredients that feed your body better.

These can be served with anything you like and used at whichever meal of the day you prefer. I like to toast them and top with avocado and some spices or else with Violife plant based cheese spread and sun-dried tomatoes for a savoury breakfast.

Low carb, high fibre bagels Breakfast Dinner Grainfree Lunch


Warming, curry pumpkin and bean stew

I love using seasonal pumpkin or squash for warming, hearty stews during the colder months. The warmth from the curry paste really contrasts nicely with the mild natural sweetness from the tomatoes to create a really comforting meal.
This recipe is so easy to make and requires just a handful of cheap store cupboard ingredients. Plus it only requires one pot which means less washing up afterwards which is the bane of my life sometimes!

I used pumpkin and beans in this recipe but you could also chuck in whatever other veg you have going spare in the fridge or simply to bulk out this meal and add extra goodness to your diet that day. Remember, the more variety of fibre and plant based foods you get in your diet each week, the better your gut health will be in general.

Warming, curry pumpkin and bean stew Dinner Grainfree Lunch vegan

The second serving makes a great lunch the next day or speedy dinner. I love coming home to this knowing that it ready to go after just a few minutes of reheating and saves me cooking that night again. I actually got addicted to this that I made this recipe like 3 times in 9 days because it was so easy and yummy.

Warming, curry pumpkin and bean stew Dinner Grainfree Lunch vegan


Cajun carrot chickpea flour pancakes

This savoury pancake recipe is packed full of veg and fibre plus is great for a quick cook meal any time of the day, double up the recipe to make seconds for the next days lunch. It’s so versatile as well because you can serve it with your favourite dressing or sauce and use up any spare salad that’s lying around your fridge too.

Cajun carrot chickpea flour pancakes Dinner Grainfree Lunch vegan

Grain free high fibre chickpea flour-where you find it?
I use chickpea/besan flour (made from baby chickpeas or split lentils) which is super cheap and can be found in large Asda or Tescos, find it in the aisle where you get canned coconut milk. It’s a great way to ramp up your fibre but do remember it is different from usual flours so will have a more dense texture to it but it’s not a big problem in savoury recipes.


Savoury beetroot feta flapjacks

This savoury twist on the flapjack recipe uses earthy beetroot, creamy feta and tangy vinegar for a flavour filled flapjack!
A savoury flapjack may sound weird but it really works and is a great way of getting this wholegrain into your diet if you don’t like porridge in the morning or prefer something else for breakfast.

I just love the colour that beetroot lends to recipes but I know most people don’t like its earthy taste which is why I pair it with creamy tangy feta which is a great combination.
I also use pre cooked vac pack beets for easiness plus it’s a great staple to have in your fridge to whip up recipes like this or bulk out meals at short notice.

Savoury beetroot feta flapjacks Dinner Lunch snack
