Banana, caramel protein baked oats

Oats have a rep for being boring but not mine!
I played around with different plant protein flavours and fruit to make my baked oats more fun and also balanced with the cashew frosting which is so easy to make & adds healthy fats to balance out the carbs in the oats and protein for a well balanced breakfast. You can even use this as a treat and make it sweeter, plus the sweetness comes from natural sources that also contain fiber.

Banana, caramel protein baked oats Breakfast vegan


Healthier chocolate banana bread!

I know banana bread was all the rage during lockdown and it always is because we very often have ripe bananas to use up in a short period of time so I did just that but put my own healthy twist on this one & also added some cacao powder for chocolate hit but is still healthy enough to have for breakfast!

This can also be gluten free by using GF flour and also vegan too! You can adjust the sweetness but I like to keep it low, letting the ripe bananas do most of the work here.

Healthier chocolate banana bread! Breakfast snack vegan

Healthier chocolate banana bread! Breakfast snack vegan
